In An Emergency

In the event of an Emergency, please follow these instructions

Toothache with No Swelling

Indications for treatment include prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold, discoloration of the tooth, tenderness of the tooth or adjacent gums or sharp sensation to chewing (cracks). Sometimes there are no symptoms.

Contact your General Dentist immediately for referral to Dr. Kaufmann. If you are a patient of Dr. Kaufmann in mid-treatment or if you have had treatment recently completed, call (204) 783-2971 (Answered 24 hrs a day by a LIVE person).

Toothache with Swelling

Toothache with swelling generally indicates an abscessed tooth or infection.

  • Take analgesic medication such as Advil, Tylenol or Aspirin to manage the discomfort. Avoid chewing in the sore area.
  • DO NOT apply aspirin directly to the toothache site, this will cause a burn of the gum tissues that can be serious.
  • DO NOT apply heat to outside of the face because this may increase the swelling.

You may apply ice packs to the outside of the face,  if there is swelling.

If you have not yet seen Dr. Kaufmann, call your dentist for an antibiotic prescription and stronger analgesics if they are necessary. Please remember to indicate any allergies.

If you are a patient of Dr. Kaufmann in mid-treatment or if you have had treatment recently completed, call (204) 783-2971 (24 hrs Answered 24 hrs a day by a LIVE person). You will be given further instructions.

Patients with Toothache Not Requiring Immediate Attention

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Kaufmann by calling his office and leaving a message requesting an emergency appointment.

During office hours (depending on scheduling) you may be asked to come to the office immediately.

Out of normal office hours, you will be called shortly after 9 a.m. the next business day. Emergency Patients are generally seen the same day, if Dr. Kaufmann’s  scheduling allows.

REMEMBER: Early intervention and interception of pulpal problems is the key to uneventful endodontic treatment. Delaying treatment until symptoms are out of control may result in lengthened treatment time, difficulties with anesthesia, possible complications and discomfort.

Do not wait. Pulpal problems do not get better on their own.

Tooth Injuries

Fractured, cracked or broken teeth should be examined by your General Dentist to see if referral to Dr. Kaufmann is in order. If the tooth has been completely knocked out of the mouth, find the tooth and handle it only by the crown (top part – NOT the root! ). Rinse under tap water to remove any surface dirt. Do not scrape or handle the tooth surface. Try to immediately place the tooth back in the socket area. This is important. The sooner the tooth is replaced, the better chance the tooth has of being retained. The best prognosis is obtained when the tooth is replanted WITHIN 30 MINUTES. After this time the prognosis drops dramatically.

Phone your dentist or locate the nearest dentist and see them immediately. This may not be your own dentist. If you cannot replace the tooth in the mouth, place the tooth under your tongue or on the inside part of the cheek (to keep it moist with saliva) and proceed immediately to the dentist. DO NOT STORE IT IN WATER. Time is critical, the tooth should be replanted within 30 minutes for best results. You will be given further instructions by the dentist.